
SCOTUS Strikes Down Animal Cruelty Law

Apr 21, 2010
Pointing to the First Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday nixed a federal law from 1999 that made the creation, possession or sale of depictions of animal cruelty illegal, despite the Obama administration's request that the top court consider the animal rights angle in its decision.

SCOTUS Considering Change in National Gun Ownership Laws

Mar 3, 2010
The U.S. Supreme Court may be ready to change the scope of the Second Amendment, as five of the top court's justices (guess which ones?) have signaled their opinions about American citizens' rights to bear arms and appear ready to take steps that could override some local and state gun rules, with Chicago as a potential starting point.
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European Human Rights Group, U.S. Media Decry SCOTUS Ruling

Jan 23, 2010
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Thursday to loosen corporate restrictions on campaign finance didn't sit well with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, an international human rights coalition of 56 European nations, but somehow we doubt that the top court's conservative justices are going to lose sleep over that particular critique.

What Lies Ahead for Justice Sotomayor?

Aug 9, 2009
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has made history after successfully navigating the grueling confirmation process by finally being sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts at a ceremony at the court's headquarters Saturday. However, the partisan politics that played out during the grilling phase are just a taste of things to come, according to The Christian Science Monitor's Brad Knickerbocker.The partisan politics that played out during Justice Sonia Sotomayor's grilling phase represent just a taste of things to come.

Sotomayor’s Bumpy Road to Confirmation

Aug 6, 2009
In Washington, a Supreme Court nomination usually sets off a flood of political accusations, and in this case the GOP certainly upheld the grand old tradition of seeing sin where none existed.The GOP had to turn to some pretty flimsy accusations in the fight over Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation.

Keeping the Supreme Court in Check

Nov 2, 2008
Neither McCain nor Obama would alter the prevailing jurisprudence in the Supreme Court or in subordinate tribunals. The unfortunate result will be a judiciary that is deferential to presidential powers and law enforcement in the name of fighting international terrorism.