san francisco

Secession Proposal Would Create a Republican California

Jul 13, 2011
By the Los Angeles Times' count, there have been more than 220 attempts to divide California, and all have failed. A new proposal by a Temecula politician would split off the conservative counties south and east of Los Angeles to form a Republican-dominated South California that would be home to 13 million people (minus those who flee after secession). (more)
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An Omen in the Prop. 8 Battle?

Jan 17, 2010
Many fear that a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court may be an omen on how the court might rule if the legal battle over Proposition 8 arrives in Washington. The 5-4 decision ruled that Internet streaming of the Prop. 8 trial in San Francisco would cause a hostile public climate toward anti-gay marriage advocates.

‘A Bomb in Every Issue’

Oct 10, 2009
A new book on Ramparts Magazine, "A Bomb in Every Issue," marks the significant contribution of the alternative San Francisco-based publication that gave a viable and legitimate voice to 1960s radicalism. Check out the NYT's review of it here.

Get Milk

Nov 26, 2008
Gus Van Sant’s "Milk" is a movie to be thankful for. Go see it, tonight if you can, and in a crowded theater. Then open up some merlot and watch the documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk," by Robert Epstein -- because these two films belong together.

Milk Comes to Life on the Big Screen

Sep 6, 2008
Just in time to remind some Americans that the fight for gay rights is about much more than driving Wedge IssuesTM between political parties every election year, Sean Penn and what looks to be a promising lineup of co-stars are bringing the story of San Francisco city councilman and gay activist Harvey Milk to movie screens this fall.