
So Much for Plan B

Feb 10, 2010
Car buyers troubled by Toyota's recalls may have considered turning their attention to Honda, another Japanese automaker with a sterling reputation for reliability. Unfortunately, the second-biggest Japanese automaker just announced an expanded recall of its own.
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The Other Public Options

Sep 15, 2009
Overlooked in the health care debate is the recently reconfirmed fact that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are working better than ever.Overlooked in the health care debate is the fact that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are working better than ever.

Election ‘Revolution’ Swings Japan to the Left

Aug 31, 2009
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party has ruled for all but 11 months since 1955, but a stunning electoral defeat cut its representation in the Diet by perhaps hundreds of seats The victor in all this, Yukio Hatoyama, called it a revolution and promised to take Japan from a corporate state to a welfare state.

Here’s Hoping Obama Really Is a Socialist

Aug 14, 2009
In this topsy-turvy world it seems one's proximity to full-blown communism is directly proportional to one's success in capitalism. Take Red China's explosive economic growth, or the unexpected success of semi-socialist Germany and France, which just bid auf Wiedersehen and adieu to the recession.

Economy Hits Parents, Parents Hit Kids

Apr 16, 2009
State agencies across the country are reporting a rise in child abuse and neglect as the economy deteriorates. Also, law enforcement officials, looking at past recessions, are predicting an increase in abuse. As parents with dwindling resources fall prey to their demons, state safety nets simply can't stand up to the increased strain.