robert reich

A Night of Hope in Berkeley

Nov 16, 2011
It wasn’t quite Berkeley in 1964, but it wanted to be, and that might be the ultimate significance of the thousands-strong gathering Tuesday night in Sproul Plaza on the Cal campus.The Occupy movement, which has kept apart from other social movements, reached back and grabbed onto the past.

Truthdigger of the Week: Robert Reich

Nov 11, 2011
He's a product of the most influential institutions of our country and has served in three administrations But despite being entrenched within the system for the majority of his career, Robert Reich uses his powers for good, and that's why he's our Truthdigger of the Week Update: TranscriptDespite being entrenched within the system for the majority of his career, Robert Reich uses his powers for good.

Robert Reich and Robert Scheer at Occupy L.A. Teach-In

Nov 10, 2011
Last weekend former Labor Secretary Reich and Truthdig Editor Scheer, who, in his own words, got a little wound up, were among the luminaries teaching in at the Occupy LA encampmentLast weekend the former labor secretary, along with Truthdig's editor, were among the luminaries teaching in at the Occupy L.
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What’s Germany’s Secret?

Jun 16, 2011
In the decades immediately following World War II, U.S. wages steadily rose in step with productivity at a time when one-third of American workers belonged to labor unions. Today, union membership stands at 7% and wages are in decline, and conservatives are saying the two aren't connected. (more)

Five Reasons Obama Should Take Over BP

Jun 1, 2010
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich writes, "If the government can take over giant global insurer AIG and the auto giant General Motors and replace their CEOs, in order to keep them financially solvent, it should be able to put BP’s north American operations into temporary receivership in order to stop one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history."