
A New Front in the War on Terror
Feb 16, 2013 In an attempt to promote international understanding, the Jaipur Literature Festival fights against “the terrorism of the mind,” said the event's producer, Sanjoy Roy.
Kim Jong Un, This One’s for You
Feb 3, 2012 “The Orphan Master’s Son” by Adam Johnson is a rich, careening, dystopian tale that gives us a visceral hit of life inside North Korea.
A Night of Hope in Berkeley
Nov 16, 2011 It wasn’t quite Berkeley in 1964, but it wanted to be, and that might be the ultimate significance of the thousands-strong gathering Tuesday night in Sproul Plaza on the Cal campus.The Occupy movement, which has kept apart from other social movements, reached back and grabbed onto the past.
‘Lost Horizon’ for American Ovaries
Jul 29, 2011 Ann Patchett's sixth novel, "State of Wonder," poses a provocative question: If, ladies, you could preserve your fertility into your 50s, 60s or even later, would you?
Gazing Into the ‘Secret Center’ of the Novel
Apr 29, 2011 “The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist” by Orhan Pamuk is a love letter to the literary novel It can expand your awareness and joy of reading For novelists, it’s a treasure trove.
Blood and Suicide
Feb 4, 2011 Linda Gray Sexton, a survivor of suicide attempts, explores her bitter-sweet connections to her mother, famed poet and suicide victim Anne Sexton, and delves into a force that takes tens of thousands of lives in the U.S. each year.A second memoir by Linda Gray Sexton, Anne Sexton's daughter, stares into the face of family and societal tragedy.
Three Novels That Knocked Me Out
Nov 12, 2010 As Virginia Woolf said in describing the library of her elusive character Jacob, “anyone who's worth anything reads just what he likes, as the mood takes him, and with extravagant enthusiasm." I offer you the following three novels with extravagant enthusiasm.What makes for an amazing novel? Nabokov famously said that a novel should evince a “sob in the spine.”