Robert Reich / SubstackSep 12, 2023
As the United States moves against Google, antitrust law is still under the influence of Robert Bork. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Bill Blum / TruthdigDec 19, 2022
This Dig investigates the political and ideological capture of the Supreme Court by the GOP and its dark-money donors. After chronicling the legal doctrine of "originalism" and its influence in pulling the country backwards, this series explores how Americans can reclaim the Court in the name of our rights, our liberties, and our democracy. Dig deeper
Bill Blum / TruthdigFeb 19, 2018
At the intersection of law and politics, the indictment of 13 Russians and three Russian businesses is about as big as it gets. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
By Glen Ford / Black Agenda ReportJun 3, 2017
Glen Ford, executive editor of Black Agenda Report, sees the African-American sheriff from Milwaukee as an opportunist who curries favor with the most bigoted elements of Donald Trump's base. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Bill Blum / TruthdigFeb 1, 2017
President Trump has very likely found just the man to pick up where the late Supreme Court justice left off. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Stanley Kutler / TruthdigDec 21, 2012
The judge's death Wednesday brings to mind his singular moment: the Senate's rejection of his Supreme Court nomination in 1987 The criticism and assault against him marked a sea change in the process of both nominations and confirmations. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 20, 2012
A look at the day's political happenings, including why conservatives think Hillary Clinton's faking a concussion and Time reveals its 2012 Person of the Year. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Ruth Marcus / TruthdigMay 24, 2010
That Robert Bork took a stand against the Civil Rights Act in 1963 is bad enough; back then, Bork had plenty of company. That Rand Paul seems to hew to these views in 2010 is as disturbing as it is amazing. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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