
It’s the Economy, John

Mar 28, 2008
Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama gave major economic policy speeches Thursday, outlining specific proposals and highlighting John McCain's relative weakness on the subject. Obama called for a boost in regulation and an additional $30 billion in stimulus while Clinton proposed a job retraining program.

Huge Recall of Beef Is Linked to Schools

Feb 18, 2008
The Department of Agriculture has ordered the largest ever beef recall in the US, deeming 143 million pounds of beef unfit for human consumption because of inspection violations The plant responsible for the suspect meat happens to call the U government, including the National School Lunch Program, one of its best customers.
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Free Market Madness

Aug 30, 2007
With Labor Day approaching, it must not go unnoticed that Angelo Mozilo, chief executive of Countrywide Financial -- the company that has helped drive world markets into turmoil with its lending -- raked in $42.9 million last year. The Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, chief executive of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, was paid $2.5 million.

Troops Used as Props at GOP Functions

Mar 6, 2006
The White House is using active-duty US service personnel for partisan political purposes, a direct violation of military regulations, claims blogger Josh Marshall (here and here) Rep Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo) is pictured here introducing a soldier at a rally AMERICAblog connects more dots.

Jon Stewart Roasts Cheney

Feb 15, 2006
"Don't let your kids go hunting with the vice president. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land or energy regulations they're trying to get lifted. He'll shoot them in the face." | video