
Libyan Rebels to Receive Financial Aid

May 6, 2011
Members of the international community say Libyan rebels in Benghazi will receive some portion of the $2 billion to $3 billion they have requested to pay for the labor, food, medicine and other supplies needed to maintain a resistance to Col. Gadhafi's forces over the coming months. (more)
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NATO Apologizes to Libyan Rebels

Apr 9, 2011
Airstrikes Thursday in NATO's campaign against Moammar Gadhafi's forces killed at least four Libyan rebels in a "friendly fire" accident, the second in a week. After a bit of foot-dragging by the British deputy commander of the air campaign, NATO apologized to the rebels.

The CIA Is in Libya

Mar 31, 2011
Anonymous officials tell the Los Angeles Times that "The CIA has been on the ground in rebel-held areas of Libya since shortly after the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli was evacuated." Those agents are reportedly offering "nonlethal assistance" to the rebels and getting to know them.

Smells Like Regime Change (Update)

Mar 28, 2011
Coalition jets appear to have given the Libyan rebels a big assist by bombing the birthplace of Moammar Gadhafi, a city called Sirte that is about halfway between Benghazi and Tripoli. Not to tell NATO its business, but how exactly does clearing a path for the rebels advancing toward Libya's capital fit the U.N. mandate to protect civilians?

French Go on Attack Over Libya

Mar 20, 2011
A French warplane has fired the first shots over Libya under a U.N.-enforced no-fly zone that began on Saturday. The plane reportedly targeted a Libyan military vehicle during an attack by pro-Gadhafi forces against rebels in the city of Benghazi.