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The Speech Glenn Beck Meant to Give

Aug 31, 2010
I have a dream that the Yalie son of a Houston oil magnate can walk hand in hand with the daughter of a Wall Street hedge fund operator on the white sands of Southampton while evading inheritance taxes.I was inspired by Glenn Beck's speech at his "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington to write the speech he intended to make.

Mosque Mania Hits New York (Update)

Aug 23, 2010
Two rival rallies did a lot of shouting at each other in New York on Sunday, but otherwise kept things civil. Hey, this is America, where everyone has the right to express themselves, eat canned cheese and *gasp* worship as they please. Even Scientologists.

Okinawans March Against U.S. Base

Apr 25, 2010
Tens of thousands of Okinawans joined a rally on Sunday, demanding that a US Marine air base be moved off Okinawa The protest comes amid speculation that the U government is ready to accept an alternative plan to relocate the base to another part of the Japanese island.

Immigration Debate Finds Center In Phoenix

Jan 15, 2010
A huge rally will converge in Phoenix on Saturday with activists calling for federal action to address Arizona's immigration problems. At the center of it all is Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man accused of racial profiling in his notorious crusade against undocumented immigrants.