private sector

In Privacy Fight, Apple CEO Tim Cook Is Seen as a Model of Civic Leadership From the Private Sector

Feb 19, 2016
Friends and close relations say that Cook -- who this week published a letter explaining his decision to resist a federal order to make his customers’ private information vulnerable to theft and surveillance -- is exercising his belief that “businesses and their leaders should think of themselves as important members of civic society,” The New York Times reports.
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Do As We Say, Congress Says, Before Doing What It Wants

Feb 1, 2013
Did you know Congress is exempt from portions of a number of federal laws, including provisions that protect workers in the private sector but don’t apply to the legislative branch’s approximately 30,000 employees? Here’s a look at some of the measures Congress exempts itself from.

Truthdigger of the Week: Michael Paarlberg

Jan 27, 2013
After leaving a trail of dead in the private sector, the “long and steady march toward a fully disposable workforce” has turned sharply toward the public sector in recent years, the labor scholar tells us in a column for The Guardian. After leaving a trail of dead in the private sector, the “long and steady march toward a fully disposable workforce” has made a sharp turn in recent years toward the public sector, the labor scholar tells us.

Job Cuts Outpace Hiring

Oct 8, 2010
What's bad? September saw 159,000 public sector employees laid off. What's worse? A good number of those layoffs were teachers, as private sector hiring failed to keep pace with job cuts by federal and local governments.

Census Hiring Boosts Jobs in May

Jun 4, 2010
The U.S. economy tacked on 431,000 new jobs in May, the biggest monthly jump in a decade, but most of those were people hired for the 2010 census count, and those jobs will vanish after the summer.

Obama: ‘I’m Open to Every Demonstrably Good Idea’ About Job Market

Dec 4, 2009
President Obama laid out what he believes his administration has been doing to deal with the employment crisis in America thus far and hinted at forthcoming developments in his plan to create more jobs. During a press conference Thursday he tried to take some of the heat off his administration by stating, "Ultimately, true economic recovery is only going to come from the private sector."

Bush Calls for End of Communism in Cuba

Mar 7, 2007
While preparing for his Latin American tour, the president suggested that Cuban communism should die with Fidel Castro. Bush also took a shot at his nemesis in the region, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, for his recent decision to nationalize some private industry: "I strongly believe that government-run industry is inefficient and will lead to more poverty." Before passing judgment, remember that our president is, in fact, an expert on government inefficiency.