
Not Your Typical Political Debate

Jul 6, 2007
Kudos to PBS for hosting an excellent debate -- or "All American Presidential Forum" as it's known in public television land. The event featured a "panel of color" asking questions on a range of often-ignored topics. And did we mention equal time for all candidates? What a novel concept.
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Jenna Bush Has a New Career

Jun 4, 2007
First daughter Jenna Bush (left) may be known for late-night reveling and getting kicked out of Argentina, but HarperCollins is betting at least $300,000 that she has enough gravitas to carry off a nonfiction book about AIDS and poverty in the Third World. According to Radar Online, "Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope" is bad, but at least Jenna (unlike her dad) endorses the condom.

The Greatest Threat to Choice

May 7, 2007
When it comes to abortion, the Christian right presents a false choice between self-condemnation and a life of struggle. Until the impoverished and imperiled, so frequently driven into the arms of demagogues, are truly cared for, the freedom of all women will be at risk.

Climate Crisis Threatens Billions

Apr 7, 2007
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned that the climate crisis could afflict billions of people, especially the poor, with food and water shortages, drought and flooding. "For the first time, we are no longer arm-waving with models; this is empirical data," explained one of the panel's leading scientists.

In Orlando, Charity Can Be a Crime

Apr 6, 2007
A 21-year-old Floridian was arrested in Orlando for feeding a group of 30 homeless people. It is illegal in Orlando to feed more than 25 destitute people without a permit, which can be obtained only twice a year. As if to drive home the absurdity of the law, authorities took a sample of Eric Montanez's illegal stew for evidence.