
Sex and the SEC

Dec 20, 2008
Turns out that certain employees at the Securities and Exchange Commission weren't just asleep at the wheel, as it were, when they should have been paying more attention to Bernard Madoff's worrisome investment activities.

McCain’s Warped Worldview

Aug 20, 2008
The world according to John McCain is one in which America is triumphant at home and abroad thanks to the Bush legacy, rolling to victory internationally and mastering its domestic economic problems. If daily news would seem to deny such a rosy scenario, then that only shows skeptics lack the courage that sustained McCain as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

Flynt Confirms He’s Investigating Sen. Lott

Nov 28, 2007
Sen. Trent Lott's sudden resignation announcement on Monday sparked speculation, starting on the Web site Big Head DC, that Lott decided to step down in order to avoid an exposé about his personal life by porn baron and political provocateur Larry Flynt, who confirms that an investigation is under way.
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Court Victory for DIY Porn Enthusiasts

Oct 25, 2007
There's been a slight shift in the regulation of pornography in America, thanks to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, that might appeal to those of-age-and-consenting types interested in creating racy footage of themselves without the goal of profiting (monetarily, anyhow).

Israel Reaches Out to Horny U.S. Men

Jun 21, 2007
After market research revealed that young American men "have no feeling toward Israel one way or another," the Israeli consulate in New York came up with a foolproof plan to get their attention: pin-up girls. The shande for the goyim will take place in the July issue of Maxim magazine, which will feature Israel Defense Forces veterans taking it off for the homeland.

Flynt Trolls for Capitol Hill Sex Tales

Jun 3, 2007
Hustler founder and rabble-rouser Larry Flynt is once again offering money -- $1 million, to be exact -- to anyone who can prove that they have had an illicit sexual encounter with a member of Congress -- the same strategy he used to try to root out Capitol Hill philanderers during President Bill Clinton's impeachment ordeal.

Format War Heats Up

Jan 14, 2007
If you've been struggling to decide whether HD DVD or Blu-ray is right for your next-generation video needs, consider this: The porn industry has apparently chosen HD DVD as its preferred high-definition format. Sony, beware: The same people who probably gave VHS a win over Betamax in the last major format war have taken sides.

Hypocritically, RNC Took Money From Gay Porn King

Oct 31, 2006
The Republican National Committee is a regular recipient of political contributions from Nick Boyias, above, one of America's largest gay porn distributors. The hypocrisy: The RNC ran an ad last week accusing Rep. Harold Ford (D-Tenn.) of taking money from pornographic movie producers. (TPM has the scoop.)

JonBenet Confession May Be Bunk

Aug 17, 2006
UPDATE: Authorities are questioning the veracity of the supposed confession described below. John Mark Karr, a 41-year-old schoolteacher, has admitted to kidnapping and killing JonBenet Ramsey. The surprise confession comes after 10 years of dead-ends and false accusations in a mystery that gripped the American imagination?and airwaves. UPDATE: Thai authorities said Karr told them he drugged and had sex with the child, and then realized he had "accidentally" killed her.

Perversion for Profit

Aug 6, 2006
Check out this ultra-campy educational film from the 1960s about the rise of pornographic culture. Money quote: "We know that once a person is perverted, it is practically impossible for that person to adjust to normal attitudes in regards to sex." (h/t: BoingBoing)