police state

No Firings in LAPD’s May Day Brutality

Jul 1, 2009
A Los Angeles police review panel comprised mostly of cops has refused to fire any of the officers involved in the 2007 May Day brutality in MacArthur Park. The city shelled out $13 million in settlements because of the melee, but the worst punishment handed down was a 20-day suspension for one cop.

Over 300 Arrested at RNC

Sep 3, 2008
Beginning Saturday with a guns-drawn assault on a protester meeting space and continuing through the weekend with raids on houses of known activists in St. Paul, Twin Cities police have arrested over 300 anti-RNC demonstrators. At least 120 of them are accused of felonies, including trumped-up "conspiracy to riot" charges.
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Beijing 2008: Are You Ready for McCommunism?

Aug 8, 2008
Naomi Klein points out that while repression in China is nothing new, Police State 20 has nothing to do with Communist ideological purity and everything to do with creating "the ultimate consumer cocoon for Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cell phones, McDonald's happy meals, Tsingtao beer, and UPS delivery -- to name just a few of the official Olympic sponsors But the hottest new market of all is the surveillance itself an entirely for-profit affair that is the latest frontier for the global Disaster Capitalism Complex" .

Yahoo Sued for Collaborating With China

Apr 20, 2007
A human rights organization is suing Yahoo for assisting the Chinese government in arresting dissidents by providing information on its users. Like Google and Microsoft, Yahoo has defended the practice of handing over data to China as a necessary evil mitigated by the benefits of the Internet, crippled and corrupt though it may be.

In Orlando, Charity Can Be a Crime

Apr 6, 2007
A 21-year-old Floridian was arrested in Orlando for feeding a group of 30 homeless people. It is illegal in Orlando to feed more than 25 destitute people without a permit, which can be obtained only twice a year. As if to drive home the absurdity of the law, authorities took a sample of Eric Montanez's illegal stew for evidence.