pat robertson

What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

Jul 9, 2011
Following the legalization of gay marriage in New York last month, people using religion to justify their bigotry have cried loud and hard about the chaos that’s sure to descend upon the U.S. for the defilement of what they call one of Christianity’s most sacred institutions. Fortunately, some of the Bible’s more intellectually honest students are speaking up. (more)
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White House: Robertson’s Haiti Comment ‘Utterly Stupid’

Jan 15, 2010
Televangelist Pat Robertson's post-earthquake commentary about Haiti -- more specifically concerning the island nation's alleged pact with Satan -- has drawn fire from multiple directions, and now the White House has weighed in via spokesman Robert Gibbs. Meanwhile, CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network), which ran "The 700 Club" clip featuring Robertson's statement, is in backpedaling mode.

No Country for Old Men

Apr 30, 2008
Would President John McCain forget who made that 3 a.m. call to the special White House phone? I suspect that his aides would not just let him nod off back to sleep, even if they were intimidated by the prospect of one of his alleged intemperate outbursts, but might our septuagenarian president be less than fully focused?

War of the Word

Mar 26, 2008
Would God ever damn America? Is there anything we have done or could do as a nation that might court such severe judgment from an almighty, or is there a peculiar American exemption from God's wrath? The prediction of God's damnation for bad behavior is made in both black and white churches.

Israel’s Version of Pat Robertson

Feb 22, 2008
A member of Israel's parliament has an unusual explanation for the recent spate of earthquakes in his country: It's the gays! Specifically, says Orthodox lawmaker Shlomo Benizri, the Israeli government's acceptance of and tolerance toward homosexuals have incurred God's wrath in the form of tectonic rumblers.

Robertson Backs Giuliani

Nov 8, 2007
Conservative Christian blowhard Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president, possibly giving the candidate a boost with fundamentalist voters. Robertson came to the decision because, as only he could possibly put it: "The overriding issue before the American people is the defense of our population from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists."

Robertson Spars With Obama Over Religion

Aug 8, 2007
Here's a big shocker: Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama and Christian conservative pundit Pat Robertson (pictured) don't see eye to eye when it comes to our nation's religious foundations. After Obama expressed his views on the subject to Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, Robertson opined that Obama is "selling out, well, the origins of our nation."