
Was Bush’s Offer to Iran Designed to Fail?

Jun 1, 2006
That's the provocative question posed by this N Times article "It became obvious to Mr Bush that he could not consider military strikes on Iranian nuclear sites unless he first showed a willingness to engage Iran's leadership directly over its nuclear program and exhaust every nonmilitary option" Has a decision to hit Iran already been made? Are we seeing a charade like the one before the Iraq war?.

U.S. Prepared to Join Direct Talks With Iran

May 31, 2006
Sec. of State Rice said America will join Europe in direct talks if Iran suspends its programs to enrich uranium and reprocess spent nuclear fuel. It's a dramatic about-face, and comes a mere three weeks after the Iranian president sent a personal letter to Bush--the first direct communication between the two countries in over 20 years.

Iran Presses For Direct U.S. Talks On Nukes

May 24, 2006
Iranian officials are furiously working diplomatic back channeles to open a dialogue with the U.S. (Apparently the Iranian's president's 18-page letter to Bush opened the floodgates.) The significance of this? For 25 years Iran has enforced a taboo against making overtures to "The Great Satan."
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Iranian Leader Invites Bush to Join in Theocracy

May 10, 2006
President Ahmadinejad, in his somewhat rambling letter to Bush, encourages him to abandon democracy in favor of theocracy (Sam Harris might observe that America wouldn't have far to go in that respect) The Iranian leader also criticized Bush's use of secret CIA prisons, and mentioned the nuclear issue only indirectly N Times article on the letter The translated letter in full Condoleezza Rice dismisses the letter .

Pope Calls For End to Iran Crisis

Apr 17, 2006
The pontiff used his first Easter message to ask for "an honorable solution" via "honest and serious negotiations" He also affirmed Israel's right to exist Somehow we suspect those wishes won't have much of an impact on the Holocaust-denying president of Iran .

Fool Me Once…

Apr 17, 2006
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has told Bush that the UK will not offer any support to strike Iran, regardless of whether there is a U.N. mandate to do so, according to The Scotsman newspaper.