north dakota

How Much Oil Spilled on North Dakota? No One Knows

Oct 16, 2013
A ruptured pipeline last month spilled at least 20,000 barrels of crude oil that went undetected until a local farmer stumbled across it while harvesting wheat. Now experts say the spill estimate is a weak guess, and no one knows how much oil was lost. Either way, it’s among the largest in state history -- and a troubling sign of incompetence, or worse.
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Flaring Lights Up North Dakota

Aug 3, 2013
By burning gas released from its rapidly-growing oil industry, North Dakota is adding to greenhouse gas emissions and wasting about a billion dollars annually, a report says.

Big Trouble in Little North Dakota

May 14, 2012
With 18 million Americans unemployed, thousands from across the country are flocking to North Dakota amid an oil boom there. The state now produces more oil than many members of OPEC and could soon make America the world’s top oil producer.