nick turse

U.S. Africa Command Debates TomDispatch

Jul 26, 2012
On July 12, TomDispatch reporter Nick Turse showed how the US Africa Command has spread its influence across that continent, establishing bases and outposts, sending in special operations forces and drones, funding proxy forces, and so on One week later, Col Tom Davis, director of the U Africa Command Office of Public Affairs, responded.

The Pentagon Detours to Terminator Planet

May 31, 2012
The entire episode involves a seamless integration of robots and troops working in tandem, of next-generation drones “wired” together and operating in teams, and of autonomous drones making their own decisions. But there’s a reason you’ve never read about it in the New York Times or the Washington Post. It won’t take place for 20 years.
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Mortal Sins of Omission

Mar 18, 2011
The lone living top commander implicated in a slaughter of civilians and cover-up has written a history of the US 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam, and what his book does not say could have grim and far-reaching consequencesWhat a new history of the U 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam does not say could have grim and far-reaching consequences.

The Pentagon Has Always Gone Hollywood

Mar 21, 2008
Remember the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Nick Turse, author of the new book "The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives," has come up with a far more sinister version of that fun genealogical party activity -- only this time, all proverbial roads lead back to the U.S. military instead of the "Footloose" star.