nick turse

Shell Shock Lite

Apr 17, 2013
It didn’t take much. No battles. No dead bodies. I spent just three and a half weeks as a contractor in Iraq, when the war there was at its height, rarely leaving the security of American military bases.

Whom Did You Rape in the War, Daddy?

Mar 19, 2013
On August 31, 1969, a rape was committed in Vietnam. Maybe numerous rapes were committed there that day, but this was a rare one involving American GIs that actually made its way into the military justice system.
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‘I Begged for Them to Stop’

Feb 26, 2013
Try to remain calm -- even as you begin to feel your chest tighten and your heart race. Try not to panic as water starts flowing into your nose and mouth, while you attempt to constrict your throat and slow your breathing and keep some air in your lungs and fight that growing feeling of suffocation.

Nick Turse and the Real Vietnam War

Feb 15, 2013
Nick Turse's new book, "Kill Anything That Moves," is a ghastly revelation of previously unreported war crimes committed in Vietnam in the wake of the My Lai Massacre. He tells Bill Moyers how 15 years ago a staffer at the National Archives outside Washington, D.C., pointed him toward the "horror trove" of accounts that led to the book.

Kill Anything That Moves

Jan 28, 2013
Last week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Robert Scheer and Nick Turse on the American doctrine of eradication; women in combat; and the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wadecom/avbooth/category/truthdig_radio/" title="Truthdig Radio">Truthdig Radio: Robert Scheer and Nick Turse on the American doctrine of eradication; women in combat; and the 40th anniversary of Roe v.

An Operation, Not an Aberration

Jan 18, 2013
Even as the My Lai massacre has become the subject of numerous books and articles, all the other atrocities perpetrated by U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War have essentially vanished from popular memory, TomDispatch associate editor Nick Turse writes in "Kill Anything That Moves."

How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam?

Jan 17, 2013
In Kill Anything that Moves, Nick Turse has for the first time put together a comprehensive picture, written with mastery and dignity, of what American forces actually were doing in Vietnam.

The American System of Suffering, 1965-2014

Jan 9, 2013
For all the dissimilarities, botched analogies, and tortured comparisons, there has been one connecting thread in Washington’s foreign wars of the last half century that, in recent years at least, Americans have seldom found of the slightest interest: misery for local nationals.

A Failed Formula for Worldwide War

Oct 26, 2012
Several times this year, America's war chiefs have assembled at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico to conduct a futuristic war-game-meets-academic-seminar about the needs of the military in 2017. There, a giant map of the world, larger than a basketball court, was laid out so the Pentagon’s top brass could shuffle around the planet.

Washington Puts Its Money on Proxy War

Aug 10, 2012
From Asia and Africa to the Middle East and the Americas, the Obama administration is increasingly embracing drones and special operations forces to fight scattered global enemies on the cheap. A centerpiece of this new American way of war is the outsourcing of fighting duties to local proxies around the world.