new jersey

Gay Marriage Bill a No-Go in N.J. Senate

Jan 8, 2010
The New Jersey Senate on Thursday put a major damper on the pro-gay marriage camp's effort to score another victory for its cause in the Northeast, defeating a same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 14 yeas and 20 nays. Supporters had hoped that the bill would pass before Gov. Jon Corzine, who favors legalization of same-sex marriage, leaves office later this month.

Springsteen Pipes Up for Gay Marriage in New Jersey

Dec 10, 2009
Gay marriage advocates in New Jersey can count The Boss among their supporters. On Wednesday, Bruce Springsteen posted a statement on his Web site saying that he "couldn't agree more" with Gov. Jon Corzine's assessment that the marriage-equality legislation that's under consideration in the Garden State represents "a civil rights issue that must be approved to assure that every citizen is treated equally under the law."
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Could Conservatives Be Good for Dems in 2010?

Nov 5, 2009
Tuesday's elections were dispiriting in some ways for Democrats, particularly in Virginia and New Jersey (not to mention Maine, though that issue cuts across party lines), but the New York Daily News' Michael McAuliff wonders whether another, more encouraging object lesson for 2010 might've happened in upstate New York.

Republican Wins in New Jersey, Too

Nov 4, 2009
It was a night of disappointment for Democrats, who lost the governor's mansion in New Jersey shortly after losing in Virginia. But was it a referendum on President Barack Obama's agenda, as some pundits claimed, or testament to the unpopularity of incumbent governor and former Goldman Sachs CEO (great timing) Jon Corzine? (Continued)

GOP Scores a Win in Virginia Governor’s Race

Nov 4, 2009
A year ago, Virginia surprised the nation by skewing blue in the presidential election, handing Barack Obama a key win below the Mason-Dixon Line. However, this trend didn't extend into the 2009 gubernatorial race in the state, as the majority of Virginians voted in favor of conservative Republican Bob McDonnell on Tuesday.