new deal

Obama’s Financial Plan Fails to Impress

Jun 18, 2009
President Obama compares his "sweeping overhaul of the financial regulatory system" to FDR's crackdown on Wall Street, but New York Times business columnist Joe Nocera isn't buying it. "Everywhere you look in the plan, you see the same thing," he writes. "Additional regulation on the margin, but nothing that amounts to a true overhaul."
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John McCain in the Echo Chamber

Oct 28, 2008
October proved to be the cruelest month, for that was the time that Sen. McCain, he of the round, blank, Little Orphan Annie eyes, chose to try out a number of weird lies about Barack Obama ostensibly in the interest of a Republican Party long overdue for burial.

The Hoover-Palin Ticket

Oct 15, 2008
And the winner is … Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Remember him—the great Democratic president who saved capitalism from the capitalists by reining in their exorbitant greed? Forget the Reagan Revolution heralding a new era of small government, which turned out to be nothing more than a fig leaf for legalized corporate crime. The hero of the hour is FDR.

Obama’s New Deal

Oct 14, 2008
Barack Obama unveiled his $60-billion economic rescue plan on Monday and urged Washington not to wait for a new president to take up his proposals. The Obama plan includes tax breaks for companies that hire new workers, a short moratorium on foreclosures and, with an eye on job creation, federal financing for public works and infrastructure projects.

Boston Tea Party, 2008

Oct 1, 2008
How dare you throw that tea into Boston Harbor! Such is the anti-democratic arrogance of the fear-mongering pundits and politicians who tell us if we taxpayers don’t instantly give the Wall Street banking bandits a $700-billion bailout, we are destroying America.

Bailout Time for Fannie and Freddie

Jul 29, 2008
Congress to the rescue! Mortgage lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are being propped up in their time of dire need, thanks to a bill passed Saturday that will lift the world's two largest financial institutions out of immediate danger and help some homeowners handle mortgage crises.

Early Estimates of Bailout Range to $100 Billion

Jul 23, 2008
The independent Congressional Budget Office has announced the expected federal taxpayer bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will appear as a $25 billion budget expense, but that the real bill could be anywhere from zero to $100 billion. This, even though the once-governmental agencies were formally privatized in 1968.

Did Bush Put a Hit Out on Fannie, Freddy?

Jul 22, 2008
From madcap marketeer Jim Cramer to wired alt-blogger Scott Thill, there are more than a few braniacs who believe the Bush White House did not just watch the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac but actually engineered it as yet another sortie in the long GOP war against the New Deal. Never fear, though, as The Onion has already written a satirical report on efforts to build a better bubble.