neo nazis

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet

Mar 1, 2014
Obama and Co. have ousted Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, with the help of ultra-right, paramilitary, neo-Nazi gangs who seized and burned government offices, killed riot police, and spread mayhem and terror across the country. These are America’s new allies in the Great Game.
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Racism Worries Surround 2018 Cup

Dec 5, 2010
News that the 2018 World Cup will be played in Russia is stirring some alarm, as a rise in neo-Nazi activity and racist killings in the country have led many soccer fans of color to wonder aloud if Russia is an appropriate place to host the international tournament.

Three Jailed for Auschwitz Sign Heist

Mar 18, 2010
Stealing the infamous "Work Sets You Free" sign from Auschwitz has landed three men in the slammer. On Thursday, a Polish court in Krakow doled out relatively short prison sentences to the trio, who admitted to the crime and thus skipped a trial. (continued)