ned lamont

Quote of the Week

Aug 5, 2006
This quote, made in the context of the Lamont-Lieberman Connecticut Senate race, tells you everything you need to know about the degree to which special interests have their hooks into Lieberman. The good news, however, is that the polls show that the public is recognizing the truth about Lieberman.

Poll: Lamont 54%, Lieberman 41%

Aug 3, 2006
With only five days to go before their Aug. 8 Democratic primary, the political novice has opened up a commanding lead on the three-term senator from Connecticut. (Even with the 3% margin of error, Lamont is dusting his opponent.) h/t: Huff Po
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N.Y. Times Endorses Lamont

Jul 30, 2006
Giving the nod to Ned Lamont in the upcoming Conn. Senate primary, the paper's editorial board railed against Sen. Joe Lieberman's "warped version of bipartisanship, in which the never-ending war on terror becomes an excuse for silence and inaction."

Meet the Bad Boy of Political Advertising

Jul 14, 2006
He transformed former Gov. Jesse Ventura into a Rodin sculpture and a Texas gubernatorial candidate into an action figure. He also paired Ned Lamont with Daily Kos founder Markos Zuniga. But Bill Hillsman produces winners, so why is he shunned by most of the political advertising establishment?

Lieberman to Conn. Voters: Drop Dead!

Jul 11, 2006
Well, we knew this was coming, but now it's official: Sen. Joe Lieberman has created a new political party that he will use to appear on the November ballot if he loses the Democratic primary in August. As such a move would amount to sticking his thumb in the eye of Conn. voters, the name of his new political party is deliciously ironic: Connecticut for Lieberman. Maybe he should have picked something more representative of his backing: Lieberman for Lieberman.

Lieberman’s Internet Outreach: So Web 1.0 It’s Frightening

Jul 7, 2006
Want to see everything you need to know about how hopelessly out of touch Sen Joe Lieberman is with the next generation of voters? Check out his campaign website, then check out the site of challenger Ned Lamont: Immediately after the candidates' Thursday night debate, Lamont's site was jam-packed with video highlights, media reactions, blogger coverage and fact-checked responses to Lieberman's charges Lieberman's site, however, barely even mentions the debates; there's nary a blog; and his "news" page hasn't been updated since Monday (Update: 12 hours after the debate, the campaign posted a few paragraphs--but that's it) It's such a tone-deaf approach you have to wonder who's minding the shop over there.