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Clinton Trotted Out to Back Tax Deal

Dec 12, 2010
Former President Bill Clinton, the Democrat who brought you such miracles as welfare reform, NAFTA and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” has jumped into the fray over the tax cut deal, adding his support to the compromise worked out by President Obama with the Republicans. “I don’t believe there is a better deal out there,” Clinton said.

Bill Puts Brakes on Mexican Trucks

Mar 11, 2009
President Obama's $410 billion spending bill may paradoxically end funding for a cross-border trucking program between Mexico and the U.S. Critics of the program cite safety issues around Mexican trucks, while Mexican officials decry protectionism as policies surrounding the NAFTA trade agreement continue to fall apart.

Mexican Drug Wars Claim 5,000 Lives in 2008

Dec 5, 2008
It's been a creeping tragedy that has escaped serious attention by many major media outlets, but the recurring waves of drug violence in Mexico have taken the lives of about 5,000 people in 2008. In response, the Mexican government has deployed more than 40,000 troops, though corruption within the state's security forces remains a grave problem.

Countering Race With Class

Jun 20, 2008
In our us-versus-them culture, every political campaign is a battle to define who exactly the "us" and "them" are. At their most effective, Democrats parry by defining the "us" as the majority of working people, and the "them" as the tiny group of plutocrats who control the country.

Chris Hedges: ‘Lay Off Nader’

Mar 11, 2008
Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges argues in the Philadelphia Inquirer that Ralph Nader may not win, but "[h]e is the only candidate who has not lined his pockets with tens of millions of dollars of corporate campaign money, [not] talked out of both sides of his mouth about the war in Iraq, NAFTA and health care, and has dedicated his life to battling the corporations who make war on working men and women."