
Ending Empire Is as Crucial as Confronting Wall Street

Jun 22, 2014
In the last week, there has been a rapid march toward military action in Iraq despite widespread opposition to more war among the U.S. population. One concern is that it would require more military spending despite immense and unmet needs for funding in a broad array of areas at home.

The Criminalization of Everyday Life

Dec 9, 2013
If all you’ve got is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail. And if police and prosecutors are your only tool, sooner or later everything and everyone will be treated as criminal.
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The U.S. Government Is Metamorphosing Into the Borg

Jul 22, 2013
Describing the U.S. government is becoming increasingly complicated: “petro–imperial," "coal–fired," "plutocratic," "oligarchic," "inverted totalitarian," "fascist," "propagandistic," "Big Brother.” Things are beginning to simplify though. Soon you’ll be able to refer to the institution with a single idea from "Star Trek": the Borg.

Naming Our Nameless War

May 28, 2013
Upon succeeding to the presidency in 2009, Barack Obama junked Bush’s formulation of the "Global War on Terror" without fanfare. Yet if the appellation went away, the conflict itself, shorn of identifying marks, continued.

Secrecy, Wars and Civil Liberties

Apr 18, 2012
As Chris Hedges reported Monday, American Muslims are being dragged into jail on dubious and unclear connections to terrorism Meanwhile, the president retains the authority to kill US citizens without trial But most Americans aren't speaking up Salon blogger and constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald discusses whyAmerican Muslims are being dragged into jail on dubious connections to terrorism while the president retains the authority to kill U Glenn Greenwald talks about why.

Why They Hate Us, Part 2

Dec 3, 2009
Stephen M. Walt takes the "especially fatuous" Tom Friedman to task for one of his obstinate screeds. By the most conservative estimates, Walt explains, the U.S. has killed 30 Muslims for every American killed by Muslims, extremist or otherwise.