michael hudson
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The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit

Oct 23, 2014
With the IMF and European Central Bank acting as knee-breakers in what has become a financial extension of NATO, the U.S. and its allied investors aim to appropriate the wealth that kleptocrats took from the public domain of Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet economies, as well as whatever assets remain.

The Insider’s Economic Dictionary: P Is for Ponzi

Apr 13, 2014
Parasitism: In biology, parasites develop a strategy of gaining control of the host’s brain in order to obtain nourishment by masquerading as its natural progeny or as a part of its body. For economies, the brain in question is the government.

Ukrainian Hangovers

Mar 17, 2014
The Crimean population's only protection from U.S.-sponsored regional and ethnic political division comes from Russia. That is the gift Obama has given Putin, making him a defender of Ukraine rather than the aggressor.

Ukraine: ‘Go West, Young Man’

Mar 2, 2014
When other countries seek to defend a multi-ethnic secular state, the U.S. foreign office has backed the fundamentalists for nearly the past half-century in all cases. This should be the subtext for reporting on the Ukrainian uprising that seems to have been carefully timed to coincide with Sochi.