
Damage Control Time for Blue Cross

Jul 10, 2007
A Blue Cross exec sent out a memo with talking points to help company employees handle the fallout resulting from filmmaker Michael Moore's scathing take on the American healthcare system, "SiCKO" -- and Moore got his hands on it. Oops! (H/t: Crooks and Liars)

Starbucks Feels the Strain of World Domination

Feb 27, 2007
In a memo distributed to top executives, Starbucks' chairman warned that rapid expansion had unfortunately contributed to the "dilution" and "commoditization of the Starbucks experience." Howard Schultz charmingly went on to lament specific examples of the company's "cookie cutter" problem, but then concluded the letter in a manner one would expect from a Starbucks executive: "This must be eradicated."
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Rumsfeld Memo Calls for ‘Major Adjustment’

Dec 3, 2006
Another confidential memo has landed in the hands of The New York Times, this one written by Don Rumsfeld himself The disgraced former defense secretary suggested major changes in Iraq strategy, including the possibility of troop withdrawals: "In my view it is time for a major adjustment" Bush apparently agreed, firing Rumsfeld just two days later.

White House Memo Critiques Iraqi PM

Nov 29, 2006
The New York Times has obtained a secret memo by National Security Advisor Stephen J Hadley that offers a frank assessment of the Iraqi prime minister: " The reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests [Nouri al-Maliki] is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions, or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action".

Fox News Memo Toes Party Line

Nov 15, 2006
The Huffington Post has obtained an internal memo from Fox News outlining the network's strategy following the U.S. midterm election: "And let's be on the lookout for any statements from the Iraqi insurgents, who must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem-controlled congress."

Mark Danner Waves the Smoking Gun

May 5, 2006
New Yorker staff writer and Berkeley professor Mark Danner has a new book exploring America's scandalous indifference to the Downing Street Memo--the "smoking gun" that all but proves Bush was set on going to war in Iraq eight months before the actual invasion. Read the Buzzflash interview