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The Imperative of Revolt

Oct 20, 2014
Two leading political philosophers, Sheldon Wolin and John Ralston Saul, explore the corporations' slow-motion coup d’état and the prospects of financial collapse and revolt (Above, a moment in a Sept 22 protest at the intersection of Wall Street and Broad Street in New York City) .

A Market Basket of Dignity

Sep 1, 2014
Who knew that one of the best made-for-Labor Day speeches in American history would be delivered by a CEO? And who could have guessed that the summer's major labor story would not be about a CEO saving the jobs of his workers but about the workers saving the job of their CEO?

Karl Marx Is More Relevant Than Ever

Jan 26, 2013
“For many in my generation, the ideological underpinnings of capitalism have been undermined,” writes Jacobin editor Bhaskar Sunkara at The Guardian. “That a higher percentage of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 have a more favorable opinion of socialism than capitalism … signals that the cold war era conflation of socialism with Stalinism no longer holds sway.”