
New World Trade Treaty Plowed Under

Jul 30, 2008
The World Trade Organization talks in Geneva finally imploded Wednesday, as negotiations over farm subsidies and labor standards collapsed into an immovable standstill between wealthy and poorer countries. The talks, defended heavily by the "developed world," are seen by critics as an instrument to serve corporate interests.

Inflation Runs at a 26-Year High

Jul 16, 2008
The once-mighty US dollar is full of hot air, or at least the rate of inflation is at a 26-year high due to the recent economic toils and astronomical energy prices Prices U consumers pay shot up 11 percent in June -- or more directly, your paycheck just got 11 percent smaller.

Biofuels Blamed in Global Food Crisis

Jul 4, 2008
While environmentalists and opponents of foreign oil may have found common cause in the use of biofuels, a new, confidential World Bank report estimates that the recent increase in plant-based fuel production has actually contributed to a 75 percent rise in global food prices, sparking riots across the world and pushing millions beneath the poverty line.
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Inquiry on Search Partnership

Jul 2, 2008
A recent advertising partnership between search giant Google and competitor Yahoo has antitrust authorities worried. Not only does a Google-Yahoo deal look ridiculous in name, but critics (such as Microsoft) say the partnership would consolidate Google's control of Internet search ad revenue to a whopping 90 percent of U.S. market share.

Starbucks Going From Venti to Grande

Jul 2, 2008
Fine, so the headline was a bit much, but this was one time we didn't mind saying venti instead of large: Turns out that even the top bananas at Starbucks finally realized that they've overextended themselves, and due to the sagging economy, they're closing 600 U.S. retail locations. Great -- so that means there'll be only eight Starbucks stores on every block instead of nine.

Greenspan Talks Recession as Oil Prices Soar

Jun 25, 2008
Seems like everything is a crisis these days, what with the subprime mortgage crisis, the oil crisis and, perhaps most troubling of all, the climate change crisis. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan acknowledged the complexity and interconnectedness of these unsettling trends Tuesday, stopping short of declaring that a major recession is on the way but without ruling out a recession of lesser magnitude.

It Ain’t Argentina This Time

Apr 9, 2008
The International Monetary Fund, the darling lending institution of neoliberal capitalists, believes that the US's current mortgage crisis is dragging down the world economy The IMF is predicting at least a two-year global economic downturn, led by the U credit crunch, that also has a gambling chance of turning into a "global recession".