
How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam?

Jan 17, 2013
In Kill Anything that Moves, Nick Turse has for the first time put together a comprehensive picture, written with mastery and dignity, of what American forces actually were doing in Vietnam.

The Dark Side of the Prestigious Marine Barracks

May 8, 2012
The Marine Barracks in Washington, DC, is the showplace of the Marine Corps It is also the home of officers and enlisted men of the Marine Corps who have been accused of sexually harassing, assaulting and raping female Marine officers and enlisted and civilian women who work there, is the showplace of the Corps It is also the home of Marines who have been accused of sexually assaulting the women who work there.
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Marine Pleads Guilty in Haditha Massacre Case

Jan 24, 2012
The Iraq War may be "over," but the unfinished business from years of American occupation still lingers. And a particularly grim chapter from that time, reaching all the way back to 2005, was revisited Monday in the trial of Sgt. Frank Wuterich, who entered a guilty plea on dereliction of duty in association with the killing of 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha.

Truthdigger of the Week: Naomi Wolf

Oct 21, 2011
Author and feminist Naomi Wolf, whose dedication to helping protesters understand and exercise their rights got her arrested outside a private, black-tie event, is our Truthdigger of the Week.Author and feminist Naomi Wolf, whose dedication to helping protesters understand and exercise their rights, got her arrested is our Truthdigger of the Week.

‘Shade It Black’: The Bodybaggers of Iraq

Jun 25, 2011
Jess Goodell volunteered when she was a Marine to work in the corps’ mortuary affairs unit in Iraq. Her job was to collect the bodies and body parts of fallen fellow Marines. She wrote a book about the experience called “Shade It Black: Death and After in Iraq.” Here are excerpts from Goodell's book and Chris Hedges’ interview with the author, read by classically trained actor and Truthdig contributor Eunice Wong.

The Body Baggers of Iraq

Jun 16, 2011
On this week’s episode of Truthdig Radio in collaboration with KPFK: Unconstitutionally crowded prisons, battlefield medicine, a very special segment on the Marines who collect their dead in Iraq, and just a little bit of Jesus Plus: Reese Erlich reports from Egypt Update: Full transcriptOn this week’s episode of Truthdig Radio: Unconstitutionally crowded prisons, battlefield medicine, a very special segment on the Marines who collect their dead in Iraq, and just a little bit of Jesus.