margaret flowers

Save the Internet!

May 5, 2014
To ensure the Internet is open to all on an equal basis we must act now to prevent mega-corporations from destroying Internet freedom.

Why I Am a Conscientious Objector to the Affordable Care Act

Apr 27, 2014
I can’t in good conscience give money to the health insurance industry that I am fighting to eliminate And I can’t in good conscience pay a tax penalty that will be given to that industry And I can’t in good conscience pay a penalty that will be given to that industry.

The Debate: Independence or Partisanship

Mar 31, 2014
Finally, there is a much needed debate about the relationship that people who are working for progressive change should have with the Democratic Party -- one that has existed at the edges, in email discussions and private conversations, but is now moving to center stage. And it includes the issue of a presidential run by Sen. Bernie Sanders.
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Creating the World We Want

Feb 24, 2014
If we do not like big finance capitalism, what will take the place of the current economy?

The Tasks of The People-Powered Movement for 2014

Jan 10, 2014
In this stage of America's current social-political movement, which could take many years, our primary task is to build national consensus through broad and deep grass-roots organizing.

Truthdiggers of the Week: Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese

Nov 3, 2013
What emerges from the duo's reckoning of promises broken by Obama's "health care" law is the sense that nothing pledged to an ailing, exhausted and impoverished public is sure to be delivered.What emerges from the duo's reckoning of promises broken by Obama's "health care" law is the sense that nothing pledged to an ailing and exhausted public is sure to be delivered.

Turkish Doctors Threatened for Aiding Protesters

Jun 15, 2013
Turkish physicians and other health professionals who started administering treatment to protesters at Istanbul's Gezi Park became the target of repression this week as the Health Ministry forbade them to do their jobs.