
The Issue Isn’t Trump—It’s Us

Jan 18, 2017
Liberal elites' obsession with Donald Trump as their bête noir masks an enduring complicity in putting both him and his predecessor in the White House.
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Garrison Keillor’s Prophecy and Apostasy

Jul 4, 2016
The radio host's decision to retire from his show "A Prairie Home Companion" on the Fourth of July weekend was likely calculated to extenuate his presumed ties to all things Americana, but it also highlighted his hypocrisies and contradictions.

The Inequality Sweepstakes

Mar 30, 2016
When you press Democrats on their lousy trade deals or their flaccid response to Wall Street misbehavior, they automatically reply that those awful Republicans wouldn’t let the really good legislation get through. So let's go to a place where Democratic rule is virtually unopposed and see if the excuse holds.