
Dodd to the Rescue

Dec 19, 2007
Sen. Chris Dodd just put his money where his mouth has been in the presidential campaign, filibustering a nasty bit of legislation the Senate tried to push through before the Christmas break. Here he tells MSNBC why giving retroactive immunity to the telecom companies for spying on Americans is a bad thing.

Our Offspring Fontanel

Oct 17, 2007
Oooh. He's clever. And obviously knows exactly what he's doing. This is all a setup, people. Has to be. Yes, I'm talking about George Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Who but a total stoned horned ogre would do that? Maybe an ogre with something up his sleeve, eh?
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Bush: Protect America, or at Least Its Telecom Companies

Oct 11, 2007
First we had "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Then came the Patriot Act. And now, President Bush has co-opted another vague term that's hard to argue with, emptied it of its intended significance, and altered it to mean "let big telecom companies that aided the administration in its dubious wiretapping activities off the hook." Yes, folks, this latest round of rhetorical gymnastics has brought us "the Protect America Act."

Congress Tries to Close Blackwater Loophole

Oct 5, 2007
The House voted 389 to 30 to pass a bill that would make private contractors working for the U.S. government in Iraq subject to United States law. It's the second time Congress has attempted to apply some sense to the legal vacuum created by the Bush administration and its Coalition Provisional Authority, which pushed through what amounts to blanket immunity for mercenaries.

Ignoring the Other Victims of 9/11

Sep 11, 2007
When the National Guard helicoptered her husband, Mark, to Staten Island to work as a wireless technician setting up a communications network for thousands of emergency workers who were descending upon Lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001, Jeanmarie DeBiase did not know this would begin the unraveling.

States Revolt Against ID Law

Feb 4, 2007
The Real ID Act of 2005 requires all states to meet a national standard for identification cards and participate in a shared database, but some have objected, citing privacy and budget concerns. Maine has led the charge of about a dozen states that may pass laws objecting to and opting out of the federal mandate.

Minimum-Wage Boost Stalled in Senate

Jan 25, 2007
The first minimum-wage increase in 10 years took a hit in the Senate Wednesday, failing to get the 60 votes necessary to end debate. Republicans have been fighting to include tax cuts for businesses, and will probably succeed unless the Dems can get six more defections.

Congress Mass-Produces Antiwar Legislation

Jan 18, 2007
Daily Kos has an excellent rundown of the 11 antiwar bills bursting forth from both houses of Congress. Some legislation is tougher than the rest, but the sheer number of proposals seems to indicate that the legislative branch is bending to the will of the people. It's a good day for democracy.