
Federal Judge Rejects Request to Dismiss Prop. 8 Suit

Oct 15, 2009
Although Proposition 8 passed in California last year, setting back the gay marriage cause, the legal wheels are still turning to argue against the measure. On Wednesday, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. District Court refused to stop a challenge to Proposition 8, dismissing the argument that (straight) marriage and procreation are fundamentally linked.
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CBS: 2, Rather: 0

Sep 30, 2009
Former CBS anchor Dan Rather has come up short -- $70 million short, in fact -- in his bid to sue his ex-employers at the network for relieving him of his desk duty following a 2004 report he delivered about then-President George W. Bush's National Guard service during the Vietnam War era.

Annie Leibovitz Under Siege

Sep 7, 2009
Annie Leibovitz may be the most famous portrait photographer in the world. According to one angry Italian, she's also a thief. Paolo Pizzetti is suing Leibovitz for allegedly using his photos in a calendar without permission. She's also on the hook for a $24-million loan and could lose the rights to her work.

Legal Troubles Might Lie in Wait for Ashcroft

Sep 5, 2009
Did then-Attorney General John Ashcroft violate the Constitution in his handling of certain national security investigations shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks? According to the Los Angeles Times, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has reason to believe that he did, and thus Ashcroft can be sued for prosecutorial abuses even this long after the fact, the paper reported Saturday.Did then-Attorney General John Ashcroft violate the Constitution in his handling of certain national security investigations shortly after 9/11?

Berlusconi Suing European Media Outlets for Libel

Aug 29, 2009
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is aiming to do some serious image rehab after taking a beating in the European press this summer for his alleged sexual indiscretions. To that end, Berlusconi is pulling out the legal big guns and going after publications in France, Italy, Spain and Britain for besmirching his reputation.

Teen Sues Amazon Over Orwell Recall

Aug 4, 2009
Amazon's Kindle reader might still be a great device in the estimation of some literary aficionados, but the honeymoon is over for Michigan high school student (and potential member of Future Lawyers of America) Justin D. Gawronski, who's getting litigious with the online superseller after his copy of George Orwell's "1984" was yanked from his Kindle in July.

Madoff Investors Under Investigation

May 19, 2009
File under "honor among thieves?" A group of prominent investors in Bernard Madoff's failed financial enterprise are being investigated by the U.S. attorney's office in New York City for allegedly playing Madoff's fraudulent system to their advantage.

Woody Allen Strips American Apparel of $5 Million

May 19, 2009
Woody Allen walked away with $5 million American Apparel dollars on Monday in a settlement of his lawsuit against the hipster-magnet clothing company. The actor-director had sued American Apparel for $10 million after the company put up billboards with an ad showing Allen dressed as a rabbi -- an image taken from a scene from "Annie Hall" -- without his permission.

AIG Claims It Overpaid Taxes, Sues Government

Mar 21, 2009
Having succeeded in dispensing tens of millions of dollars to company executives last week as the country -- and Congress -- cried foul, the insurance titan is now suing the government to reclaim millions in taxes. Apparently AIG officials believe they paid the IRS too much and now are demanding a huge tax rebate.