john edwards

Ann Coulter Still Hates John Edwards

Jun 27, 2007
What is Ann Coulter's beef with John Edwards? The human scandal factory who once referred to the candidate as a "faggot" has re-emerged from hate radio silence to suggest that she should have said she hoped Edwards would be killed by terrorists. We already know nothing she says should be taken seriously, so why is "Good Morning America" giving her a soapbox?
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The Super-Duper Friends

Apr 24, 2007
This viral cartoon imagines the political landscape as an epic battle between comic-book super heroes and villains, featuring George Bush as "Petro-Man," Karl Rove as "Doctor Spin," John Edwards as "the Arbitrator" and more.

The Sharpton Primary

Apr 19, 2007
Democratic presidential candidates are falling all over themselves to secure the support of Al Sharpton, whose own 2004 campaign and his role in the recent Don Imus controversy have elevated his profile as a national civil rights leader. John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will all attend the reverend's annual National Action Network convention this week.

Strike 2 for Fox News Debate

Apr 10, 2007
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has followed in the footsteps of fellow Democratic hopeful John Edwards in declining to take part in a primary debate co-sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in September.

Bill Maher Says Mind Your Own Business

Apr 6, 2007
On last week's "Real Time," Bill Maher took on conservative personality Michael Smerconish to defend John and Elizabeth Edwards' right to privacy: "Since they announced this last week, so many people have become experts on what you should do when you get sick, when I don't think it's really anybody's business but theirs."

‘The Campaign Goes On’

Mar 23, 2007
Elizabeth Edwards' cancer is back, in an incurable but treatable form. However, the couple announced Thursday that the campaign would go on. John Edwards called his wife the most unselfish woman he has ever met, and said that when she received the news her first thoughts, after their children, were of John and the American people.

Edwards’ Iraq Vote Explained

Mar 14, 2007
In an upcoming memoir, Bob Shrum, former adviser to John Edwards, says he pushed the then-senator to vote for the Iraq war authorization out of concern for his political future Edwards denies the claim, saying of his vote: "It was not a political calculation It was a mistake".