By Michael HudsonSep 30, 2016
In his new book, "The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality," Scottish economist Angus Deaton practices public relations for the rich. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
By Narda ZacchinoAug 27, 2016
By rejecting the "race to the bottom" right-wing philosophy that catapulted conservative politics in recent years, California has become a laboratory of innovation Award-winning journalist Narda Zacchino examines this transformation in her new book By rejecting the "race to the bottom" right-wing philosophy that catapulted conservative politics in recent years, California has become a laboratory of innovation. Dig deeper ( 45 Min. Read )
Eric Ortiz / TruthdigJun 10, 2016
Former "Dreamer" Sarahi Espinoza Salamanca, now a startup CEO, is among a growing number of Latino entrepreneurs redefining the American tech industry. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
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By Alan M. WebberMay 6, 2016
"The sharing of brainpower was taking place in very unlikely places that were becoming the hotspots of innovation," write the authors of a new book. These unlikely places -- the rust belts of America -- are the cities and regions that were crushed by the previous round of competitiveness. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
By Thomas Frank / TomDispatchMar 30, 2016
When you press Democrats on their lousy trade deals or their flaccid response to Wall Street misbehavior, they automatically reply that those awful Republicans wouldn’t let the really good legislation get through. So let's go to a place where Democratic rule is virtually unopposed and see if the excuse holds. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigApr 3, 2015
“At the heart” of capitalism, philosopher Tony Smith writes, “we find neither bold entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, nor established firms.” Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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