
White-Collar Immigrants on the Rise

Apr 16, 2010
To the anti-immigrant sentiment in the country, here's a noteworthy fact: A new analysis of census data shows that in 14 of the country's 25 largest metropolitan areas, more immigrants are employed in white-collar jobs than in the low-wage blue-collar work we normally associate them with.

A Deadly Winter for Border Crossers

Feb 16, 2010
It's been a wet and deadly winter for illegal immigrants crossing into Arizona from Mexico, with nine border crossers dying from hypothermia since November. That equals the number who died trying to make the crossing in the previous three winters combined.
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Walking for Legalization

Jan 2, 2010
Taking an ambulatory cue from the Freedom Riders of the civil rights era, four immigrant students -- three of whom are undocumented -- are walking from downtown Miami to Washington, D.C., in a four-month protest against the Obama administration's inaction on legislation that could give legal status to immigrants.

Sun Sets on Anti-Immigration Sheriff

Oct 9, 2009
Joe Arpaio, a sheriff in Arizona known for his rabid anti-immigration stance and poor treatment of undocumented immigrants in his custody, has finally lost the federal power to enforce immigration law -- a power reserved for federal agents, not county sheriffs.

Wilson and Our National Character

Sep 14, 2009
If you saw a woman struck by a car, would you call an ambulance right away? Or would you first ask for her papers to make sure she was not an illegal immigrant?If you saw a woman struck by a car, would you call an ambulance or ask for her papers to make sure she was not an illegal immigrant?

Remembering Sacco and Vanzetti

Aug 24, 2009
Eighty-two years ago Sunday two Italian immigrants were executed after a dubious trial for murders someone else later confessed to. Whatever really happened, Ferdinando Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti have come to stand for the greater inequities of American justice. (Howard Zinn explains, after the jump.)

Georgia and Russia Get Their War On

Aug 8, 2008
Georgia bombed separatists in the country's South Ossetia region Tuesday evening, killing 25; Russia rolled an estimated 150 tanks into Georgia in retaliation, ostensibly to defend the region's high Russian immigrant population. Georgia pleads its case as a "freedom-loving" nation to garner U.S. support; any semblance of logic retreats.

Amigos de Los Latinos

Jan 31, 2008
Latino voters have become a major force in American politics, especially in the Democratic primary. Although these Spanish-language ads from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are similar in theme to the two presidential candidates' other TV spots, the music adds a little sabor.