henry waxman

Toyota’s Big Apology

Feb 23, 2010
Amid major setbacks leading to massive recalls related to unintended acceleration, faulty brakes and other mechanical calamities, Toyota is shifting into damage control mode. On Tuesday, the Japanese carmaker's president, Akio Toyoda, made a personal apology before the U.S. Congress, admitting that his company got ahead of itself, prioritizing growth over quality control.

Health Bill Survives House Committee Vote

Aug 1, 2009
The good news, at least for those hoping for progress on the health care reform front, is that the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed the latest version of a bill aimed at revamping the nation's flagging health care system. The bad news: Now that Congress is headed for a monthlong vacation, we'll have a whole new round of squabbling to look forward to in September.

‘Twitter Effect’ Hits Hollywood

Jul 11, 2009
The time frame for projecting the success or failure of a newly released film has already been compressed to the point of asphyxiation, thanks to the Internet, but with the popularity of social networking services like Twitter, the window of box office opportunity has become even shorter, according to The Wrap's Sharon Waxman.
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Kucinich Says Climate Bill Might Make Things Worse

Jun 28, 2009
Rep. Dennis Kucinich explains why he voted against the climate bill that narrowly passed the House Friday: "It sets targets that are too weak, especially in the short term, and sets about meeting those targets through Enron-style accounting methods. It gives new life to one of the primary sources of the problem that should be on its way out -- coal -- by giving it record subsidies."

House Passes Climate Bill

Jun 27, 2009
The House of Representatives has passed a climate change bill by a vote of 219 to 212. The bill, which was a top priority for President Obama, largely resembles California's environmental program and requires that large American companies reduce emissions of global warming gases by 17 percent by 2020 and 83 percent by 2050.

Big Tobacco Targeted by Bigger Government

Apr 3, 2009
The Food and Drug Administration may soon have control over the tobacco industry, if legislation survives Senate obstacles. The bill passed by a wide margin in the House, where its principal sponsor, Rep. Henry Waxman, said, "It has taken us far too long to get to this point."

We’re Paying Congress for This?

Mar 28, 2009
Congress’ work has often offered us transparency and has usually led to useful, progressive legislation. And now comes Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank’s choreographed extravaganza in the House of Representatives, supported by an echoing committee, with sound bites worthy of a night in the Borscht Belt.

Dems Dump Detroit’s Man on the Hill

Nov 21, 2008
House Democrats are serious about going green. To prove it, they just ousted auto hawk John Dingell from his perch as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Rep. Henry Waxman, a California liberal and occasional Dingell foe, supplied the boot.

Greenspan Admits Ideological Flaw

Oct 23, 2008
The former Fed chair told angry lawmakers on Thursday that after 40 years of buying into free-market ideology he had "found a flaw." Rep. Henry Waxman told Greenspan "our whole economy is paying the price" because he ignored advice and resisted regulation.