henry giroux

Violence Is Deeply Rooted in American Culture

Jan 22, 2013
The gun violence figures flooding the media in the wake of the Newtown massacre are startling, "but they do not tell us enough about the cult and spectacle of violence in American society. Nor do they make visible the myriad of forces that has produced a country drenched in bloodshed and violence," Henry Giroux told C.J. Polychroniou in a Truthout interview.

The War Against Teachers in Dark Times

Dec 18, 2012
It is ironic, in the unfolding nightmare in Newtown, Conn., that only in the midst of tragedy are teachers celebrated in ways that acknowledge the vital role they play every day in both protecting and educating our children. What is repressed in these moments is that teachers have been under attack by right-wing conservatives, religious fundamentalists and centrist Democrats since the beginning of the 1980s.

Henry A. Giroux: The Age of Neoliberal Terrorism

Dec 3, 2012
"Public institutions are being attacked because they are public, offer spaces for producing critical thought, emphasize human needs over economic needs, and because they are one of the few vital institutions left that can function as democratic public spheres," the critic and Truthout contributor said in a recent interview.
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War on Youth

Dec 3, 2012
In a second annual lecture for the Histories of Violence project, professor, critic and political theorist Henry A. Giroux talks about a subject in which he’s become expert: the systematic ways that governments across the globe visit violence on young people.

Beyond the Dead End of American Electoral Politics

Nov 6, 2012
As Hurricane Sandy swept through the Eastern Seaboard, there was much concern about how it would affect the presidential elections. The implication is that a natural disaster may undermine the electoral process. But the equation of the electoral process with the highest measure of democracy rests on two mistaken assumptions.

The Neoliberal Attack on Education

Oct 17, 2012
The democratic mission of public education is under assault by a conservative right-wing reform culture in which students are viewed as human capital in schools that are to be administered by market-driven forces.

The Chicago Teachers Strike: Challenging Democracy’s Demise

Sep 15, 2012
What the world is witnessing in Chicago as thousands of teachers, staff and support personnel strike is the emergence of a revolutionary ideal that opposes the right of corporations and markets to define the purpose and meaning of public education and the debasement of educational leadership and teaching as a bulwark of democracy.

Beyond the Politics of the Big Lie

Jun 19, 2012
The American public is suffering from an education deficit; a growing dearth of critical thinking which generates the ideology of the big lie -- the myth that the free-market system is the only mechanism available to safeguard democracy and ensure human freedom.