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Banks’ Lame Apology Isn’t Enough

Jan 20, 2010
WheresOurMoney.org's Harvey Rosenfield on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearings chaired by Phil Angelides: "If symbolism is what this is all about, I say we've moved beyond the 'apology' stage. How about sending some of these people to jail for twenty years?"

Clinton: U.S. Must Use ‘Smart Power’

Jan 13, 2009
Hillary Clinton began the first phase of her official vetting session for the position of secretary of state Tuesday morning on Capitol Hill, where she made opening remarks and faced her peers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as they took a close look at her credentials -- and her husband's globe-trotting fundraising activities.

Fed Chief: Pass a Bailout or Else

Sep 24, 2008
How's this for not mincing words? "I believe if the credit markets are not functioning, that jobs will be lost, that our credit rate will rise, more houses will be foreclosed upon, GDP will contract, that the economy will just not be able to recover in a normal, healthy way." So sayeth Ben Bernanke on Tuesday, in a dire warning to Congress.

Pentagon Opening Gitmo 9/11 Hearings to (Some) Media Outlets

May 28, 2008
A Pentagon representative has confirmed that "about four or five dozen" news journalists and associated personnel from both the U.S. and abroad are being invited to attend the June 5 arraignment at Guantanamo Bay of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, often referred to as the "mastermind" of 9/11, and four others allegedly involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.