health care reform

House Dems Unveil Giant Health Care Reform Bill

Oct 29, 2009
After months of squabbling and tussling with each other as well as their Republican opposition, House Democrats finally produced the latest comprehensive result of their efforts in health care reform in the form of a whopping 1,990-page measure -- and then proceeded to congratulate themselves in a public rally outside at the Capitol.

Lieberman Twists the Knife

Oct 28, 2009
Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman? The Connecticut senator declared Tuesday that he would support a filibuster of any health care reform bill that has a public option -- even the version with the “trigger” compromise accepted by Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe -- because it might cost money. Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman?
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Real Talk on Health Reform

Oct 17, 2009
President Barack Obama has finally put into words what everyone already knows: that insurance companies are "deceptive and dishonest" in their efforts to kill any semblance of health care reform, no matter the cost. Now let's see if he does anything with this knowledge.

‘Left, Right & Center’: Health Care Reform Survives?; Wall Street Revives

Oct 17, 2009
Wall Street got a boost, as if it needed one, from the Dow's rise past 10,000 this week -- but let's not confuse that with economic stability. Consider the unemployment rate and the ballooning federal budget deficit, as Arianna Huffington, Bob Scheer, Tony Blankley and Matt Miller do on this week's "Left, Right and Center." Just don't ask Arianna about "Balloon Boy."

‘Left, Right & Center’: Nobel Surprise; the Dollar’s Down

Oct 10, 2009
President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize caused a ruckus round the globe, drawing a wide range of reactions. The big question: Did he deserve it? On this week's show, "Left, Right & Center" co-hosts Robert Scheer, Tony Blankley, Matt Miller and Arianna Huffington mull this one over, along with the value of the dollar and the ongoing saga that is health care reform.

Ad for the Public Option Takes Sen. Ensign to Task

Oct 5, 2009
Nevada Sen. John Ensign's recent infidelity scandal lurks in the background of an ad for the public option running in parts of his home state this week, courtesy of the progressive coalition Health Care for America Now! The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder notes that the coalition has paid $100,000 to run the ad for a week to point out Ensign's financial entanglements with the health care industry.

Baucus & Co. Shoot Down Public Option Amendment

Sep 29, 2009
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and his merry band of legislators on Tuesday nixed an amendment proposing that a government-backed "public option" be included in Baucus' contested health care reform plan, using the argument that the public option addition would further diminish the bill's chances of passing.