health care reform

Time for Our Second Bill of Rights

Dec 2, 2009
In his powerful new book, “The Healing of America,” T.R. Reid asks, “Which inequalities will society tolerate? Is it acceptable that some people are left to die because they can’t see a doctor when they get sick? That question encompasses a more basic question: Is health care a human right?” It will be a historic moment when the federal government begins to accept responsibility for all Americans’ health.

‘Left, Right & Center’: The Geithner-Summers Backlash; Is Palin Dangerous?

Nov 21, 2009
At long last, it seems that members of Congress, of left- and right-leaning persuasions alike, are harboring serious doubts about a couple of key players on President Barack Obama's economic task force. The right-leaning Tony Blankley thinks that this signals the cyclical, and helpful, breakdown of hyper-partisanship on Capitol Hill. Meanwhile, Robert Scheer thinks Sarah Palin is still scary.
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Reid Readies for Health Care Rumble

Nov 19, 2009
With the threat of a Republican-led filibuster looming large, Majority Leader Harry Reid is faced with the unenviable task of ushering the Senate's version of the health care reform bill through his congressional chamber. On Wednesday, Reid started his woo-a-thon with an only slightly easier audience: moderate Democrats.

‘Daily Show’: The Men Who Stare at Votes

Nov 11, 2009
We all saw the shenanigans that transpired outside the Capitol during last Thursday's wingnut clusterf "House Call" health care rally organized by the certifiable Rep Michele Bachmann, but the freak show from the inner chambers of Congress was even better in the final lead-up to Saturday's House vote on health care reform legislation.