
Business Ethics? What a Concept

May 30, 2009
In what can only be the beginning of social revolution, 20 percent of Harvard's MBAs have signed an ethics pledge, vowing not to advance their "own narrow ambitions" at the expense of others. But the question remains, where exactly is the other 80 percent of the class?

Living Large and in Charge

Apr 8, 2009
Not surprisingly, Lawrence Summers is convinced that he deserved every penny of the $8 million that Wall Street firms paid him last year. And why shouldn’t he be cut in on the loot from the loopholes in the toxic derivatives market that he pushed into law when he was Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary?
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Obama’s E-Team

Nov 25, 2008
Obama's selection of a team of highly skilled pragmatists has already been described as a move to the political center, but Obama advisers and longtime acquaintances say that this is a misreading of the incoming president and his approach.

The Molecular Full Monty

Oct 23, 2008
A cohort of entrepreneurs and scientists is the cutting edge of the Personal Genome Project. In an act of altruism and/or exhibitionism, the PGP-10 have put their medical records, traits and genetic codes on the Web where all the scientists, paparazzo and peeping Toms can see them.

Study: Media Were Mean to McCain, Not Clinton

May 30, 2008
A new study by two of journalism's leading independent institutions has found that complaints from Hillary Clinton and her campaign that the media treated her unfairly are largely unfounded. According to the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism and Harvard's Shorenstein Center, it's John McCain who should be upset with the coverage.

Obama Aide Quits Over Remark About Clinton

Mar 7, 2008
A Scottish newspaper played a key role in the resignation of Samantha Power, Harvard professor and unpaid foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama's campaign. Power stepped down after she commented to The Scotsman that Hillary Clinton was "a monster" who was "stooping to anything" to clinch the Democratic nomination.

Lessons From Walter Reed

Mar 22, 2007
Linda Bilmes, the Harvard finance expert who helped establish the true cost of the war, including veteran healthcare, turns her attention to the Walter Reed scandal, and the bureaucratic quagmire that keeps our soldiers from getting help. Bilmes offers four lessons to avoid future problems. We can only hope someone takes her advice.

Harvard Chooses First Woman President

Feb 10, 2007
A year after its president was forced to resign because of a controversial remark about gender, Harvard University is about to appoint its first woman president. The promotion of Drew Gilpin Faust, a historian, will end a 371-year-long drought of female leadership at one of the nation's oldest institutions.