
McCain Talks Tough in Texas

Mar 5, 2008
As Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battled it out in several states Tuesday, Republican front-runner John McCain sent out a word of warning about the "dangerous" state of the world in trying to win supporters in San Antonio, Texas.

Bush Hopeful for 11th-Hour Mideast Peace Deal

Mar 4, 2008
In keeping with the tradition of U.S. presidents attempting to forge peace agreements during their last years in office, President Bush remains optimistic about securing an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal in the final 10 months of his administration despite the recent outbreak of violence in the Middle East.

Scores Killed in Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Mar 2, 2008
Attacks by Israeli forces killed more than 70 Palestinians on Saturday as fighting intensified in northern Gaza, prompting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to call the incursion "more than a holocaust." Two Israeli soldiers were killed and seven were wounded, the Israeli military reported. Updated.
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A Bloody Duel in Gaza

Feb 29, 2008
Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 32 Palestinians, including four boys and a six-month-old infant, in the Gaza Strip since Wednesday morning in a standoff that continued into Thursday evening, according to the BBC.

Gaza Refugees Storm Egypt

Jan 23, 2008
Tens of thousands of Palestinians flooded from a blockaded Gaza into Egypt on Wednesday after militants blew a gap in the border wall. Egyptian authorities stood by as the mob rushed to stock up on food and other supplies. Israel has raised concerns and appealed to Egypt to get control of the situation.

Israel Loosens Grip on Gaza

Jan 22, 2008
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has decided to temporarily ease a blockade on Gaza after international organizations showered Israel with warnings and condemnation. Israel has promised not to allow Gaza to turn into a humanitarian crisis, but that's exactly what our own Chris Hedges calls it in his latest column.

Chaos in Gaza

Jun 15, 2007
Factional clashes between Hamas and Fatah forces in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank escalated to the boiling point on Thursday, when Hamas gunmen captured various Fatah outposts and the ongoing violence caused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve his government and declare a state of emergency throughout the region.

Israel Drawn Into Gaza Clash

May 17, 2007
After five days of fighting between rival Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Israel has entered the fray, responding to rocket attacks on its soil with airstrikes in Gaza. The BBC reports that two Hamas officers were killed in the air attacks, and that at least 40 people have been killed since violence erupted last weekend.

Worse Than Apartheid

Dec 19, 2006
The N.Y. Times' former Middle East bureau chief, writing about Israel's unrelenting attack on the Gaza Strip, argues: "It is a sad commentary on the gutlessness of the American press and timidity of the Democratic opposition that most Americans are not aware of the catastrophic humanitarian crisis they bear so much responsibility in creating." Above: Water mixes with blood in a street of a northern Gaza Strip town after an Israeli tank shelling in November.