
To Each His Own Cease-Fire

Jan 19, 2009
Shortly after Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire in Gaza, Hamas followed suit with its own separate announcement. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel would withdraw troops "as soon as possible," and Hamas said it would give Israel a week to do just that.

Israel Under Fire for Gaza Killings

Jan 18, 2009
As Israel's Security Cabinet prepared to vote Saturday on a possible cease-fire in Gaza, the Israeli army drew criticism for the killing of two boys who were taking cover at a United Nations school in northern Gaza, according to The New York Times.
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Leave World War II Out of Gaza

Jan 17, 2009
I have long raged against any comparisons with the Second World War -- whether of the Arafat-is-Hitler variety once deployed by Menachem Begin or of the anti-war- demonstrators-are- 1930s-appeasers, most recently used by George Bush and Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara.

Israel’s Chemical Warfare?

Jan 16, 2009
Following previous accusations by aid agencies, a video has surfaced amid Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip that shows images "consistent with the use of white phosphorus shells" -- i chemical weaponry The Israeli military has denied use of the chemical agent, which can burn skin to the bone.

Hamas Official Killed, U.N. Compound Hit in Gaza

Jan 16, 2009
Another high-ranking Hamas official, Interior Minister Said Siyam, was killed on Thursday near Gaza City, according to Israeli and Hamas sources. Israeli leaders faced international criticism after their forces also struck both the United Nations compound and a high-rise in Gaza City where several media organizations are based.

Getting the Story on Gaza

Jan 16, 2009
In this installment of BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen's diary about the Israeli-Palestinian war, Bowen describes how, thanks in part to technology, the word on Gaza is getting out despite the Israeli ban on foreign journalists.

Next Stop: Tensiontown, Israel

Jan 14, 2009
As the death toll of Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip moves past 1,000, tensions between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis are growing. Some of the country's Arab population is increasingly vocal in denouncing the bombings, while some Israeli politicians are trying to ban the re-election of Arabs to parliament on the grounds of alleged national disloyalty.