
G-20 Muscles G-7 Aside

Sep 25, 2009
It looks like the G-20 is set to permanently replace the G-7 as the world's dominant economic forum, an indirect admission that there was something unfair about the world's seven wealthiest countries deciding economic policy for the entire globe.

Obama Outs Iranian Nuclear Site

Sep 25, 2009
Following Thursday's U.N. Security Council resolution aimed at halting nuclear proliferation, President Obama announced Friday that Iran has concealed a partly built second uranium enrichment plant. The Iranians admitted existence of the plant but asserted that it would be used only for peaceful purposes.
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Globalization Goes Bankrupt

Sep 21, 2009
The rage of the disposed is fracturing the country, dividing it into camps that are unmoored from the political mainstream. Movements are building on the ends of the political spectrum that have lost faith in the mechanisms of democratic change. You can’t blame them. But unless we on the left move quickly, this rage will be captured by a virulent and racist right wing, one that seeks a disturbing proto-fascism. The rage of the disposed is fracturing the country, dividing it into camps that are unmoored from the political mainstream.

ObamaTube: Passover/Easter Edition

Apr 12, 2009
President Barack Obama draws upon the traditions and meanings behind "two very different holidays" -- Passover and Easter -- as his jumping-off point for his weekly address about the state of the country and the world and about his time rubbing elbows with other world leaders during the past week .

G-20 vs. 6 Billion

Apr 1, 2009
No matter how trite it has become for the media to focus on the "clashes" and "violence" that have "erupted" at the G-20 demonstrations in London, stories on the economic summit seem to overlook the legitimate concerns that protesters have against the world's 20 largest economies orchestrating macroeconomic policy for the rest of the world.