fidel castro

Get Milk

Nov 26, 2008
Gus Van Sant’s "Milk" is a movie to be thankful for. Go see it, tonight if you can, and in a crowded theater. Then open up some merlot and watch the documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk," by Robert Epstein -- because these two films belong together.

Russia and Cuba, Together Again

Aug 5, 2008
Forty-six years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he wants "to rebuild our positions in Cuba" by strengthening economic cooperation with the island nation. The push could be a retort to America's resolve to build a missile shield on Russia's doorstep.
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Castro Slams Obama

May 27, 2008
Semi-retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro thinks Barack Obama is "the most-advanced candidate in the presidential race," so he must have been disappointed to hear that Obama would continue an embargo against the island nation. That policy, Castro wrote in a column that appeared in state newspapers, is "a formula for hunger for [Cuba]."

‘Che’ Goes to Cannes

May 23, 2008
One of the most hotly anticipated contenders at this year's Cannes Film Festival is "Che," Steven Soderbergh's lengthy biopic of iconic Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara, featuring Benicio del Toro in the title role. However, whether the excitement surrounding the "Che" screening at the French film fest is any indication that moviegoers will flock to the (currently) 4-hour-plus production remains to be seen.

Food Crisis Leads to Opportunity in Cuba

May 5, 2008
Raul Castro would like to see his island produce more food. Currently, Cuba imports the vast majority of its basic food products, at increasing expense, despite plenty of arable land. Private farmers and collective growers are hoping new reforms make it easier to produce food more efficiently, and that's not just good news for Cuba. With rice rationing at Costco, that's good news for the world.

Steve Wasserman on Fidel Castro

Apr 11, 2008
What will history say about the implacable anti-imperialist and unrepentant revolutionary who has held power in Cuba for nearly 50 years? The publication of Fidel Castro's and Ignacio Ramonet's "My Life: A Spoken Autobiography" helps us understand the man and his myth.

Cuban Government Makes Raul Official

Feb 25, 2008
Cuba's National Assembly has named Raul Castro president and successor to his brother Fidel. Raul has essentially been running the country since Fidel had major surgery in 2006. Although he was expected to throw a bone to a younger generation of leaders, Raul named another septuagenarian veteran of the revolution his vice president.