federal reserve

Inflation at 17-Year High

Aug 15, 2008
Stagflation: It's always sounded like a dirty word, and is hopelessly tied to retro jokes about the '70s. But with GDP growth already, well, stagnant, the Labor Department announced Thursday that July saw the highest rate of inflation in 17 years, meaning you can now appropriately drop the word into water cooler convo without seeming like a potty-mouth or a retro hipster. On the downside, you are now paying 5.6 percent more for things than you did at this time last year.

Inflation Runs at a 26-Year High

Jul 16, 2008
The once-mighty US dollar is full of hot air, or at least the rate of inflation is at a 26-year high due to the recent economic toils and astronomical energy prices Prices U consumers pay shot up 11 percent in June -- or more directly, your paycheck just got 11 percent smaller.

Fed Forecasts Economic Gloom

Jul 9, 2008
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke expects America's economic struggles to continue well into next year and has asked Congress to expand his regulatory powers. Lawmakers are unlikely to fulfill his request any time soon. Bernanke also suggested that the Fed could continue to bail out investment banks.
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Greenspan Talks Recession as Oil Prices Soar

Jun 25, 2008
Seems like everything is a crisis these days, what with the subprime mortgage crisis, the oil crisis and, perhaps most troubling of all, the climate change crisis. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan acknowledged the complexity and interconnectedness of these unsettling trends Tuesday, stopping short of declaring that a major recession is on the way but without ruling out a recession of lesser magnitude.

Bush’s Legacy of Failure

Mar 18, 2008
That idiotic "what, me worry?" look just never leaves the man's visage. Once again there was our president, presiding over disasters in part of his making and totally on his watch, grinning with an aplomb that suggested a serious disconnect between his worldview and existing reality.

Recession? What Recession?

Mar 8, 2008
President George W. Bush has often invited comparisons to Mad magazine antihero Alfred E. Neuman, and his latest comments regarding a potential recession in the U.S. aren't helping him shake the "What, me worry?" tag line anytime soon.

Fed Steps Into Mortgage Mess

Dec 19, 2007
The term "subprime mortgage" has certainly been in heavy rotation in recent months, and economic panic has spread as a result of lenders playing fast and loose with their home-lending criteria, causing chaos in the mortgage market. Enter the Federal Reserve to try to undo some of the damage and prevent a recurrence.

Greenspan Slams Team Bush in New Memoir

Sep 16, 2007
Alan Greenspan is no fan of the Bush administration or the once-dominant congressional Republicans. In his new memoir, "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World," the former Federal Reserve chairman disparages the two groups for violating the GOP's values on spending and small government. Updated