
Say It Plain: Stop Spying on Us

Jun 5, 2015
The recent debates over the USA Patriot and Freedom acts missed the point: Rather than discuss the details of how much to curb the government's right to spy on us, Americans need to question the legitimacy of all government spying and push back as hard as possible against dubious claims to protect us.Americans need to question the legitimacy of all government spying and push back as hard as possible against dubious claims to protect us.

Ordained to Write

Oct 13, 2014
Three decades ago Chris Hedges sought to become a minister and report the war in El Salvador A church committee refused to see his work as a journalist as a valid call to the ministry On Oct 5 his ordination -- marked by addresses from James Cone (above) and Cornel West -- finally took place Three decades ago Chris Hedges sought to become a minister and report the war in El Salvador A church committee refused to see his work as a valid call to the ministry 5 his ordination finally took place (Above, ordination speaker James Cone).
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Yearning for an Imagined Past

Apr 7, 2014
Wes Anderson's characteristically whimsical "The Grand Budapest Hotel," set in a fictitious central European nation succumbing to 1930s fascism, reflects contemporary audiences' "half-embarrassed, half-guilty wish to know something of the great convulsions of the past," film critic Stuart Klawans writes in The Nation.

The Dark Side of the Ukraine Revolt

Mar 21, 2014
Although most of the Western media describe the current crisis in the Ukraine as a confrontation between authoritarianism and democracy, many of the shock troops who have manned barricades in Kiev and the western city of Lviv these past months have little interest in either democracy or Western liberalism.

Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism

Dec 5, 2013
The relentless activity of thoughtlessness -- worship of celebrity culture, a cravenly mainstream media, instrumentalism, militarism or free-roaming individualism -- undermines crucial social bonds and expands the alleged virtue of believing that thinking is a burden.