
In Defense of Pat Tillman

Mar 26, 2007
Last week's leak that nine officers will be implicated in the cover-up of the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death unleashed yet another wave of commentary and speculation about the nature of his patriotism and service. Stan Goff takes on one particularly ferocious vulture in order to defend Tillman's memory.

Hometown Baghdad

Mar 20, 2007
These are stories from Iraq, told by people who live there. It's easy to forget that amid the carnage and chaos we read about, regular people are simply trying to live out their lives in peace.
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Gingrich Had Affair During Lewinsky Scandal

Mar 9, 2007
Prospective presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has admitted to having an affair while cheerleading the assault on Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Hypocrisy is nothing new to Newt, who extolled family values after serving divorce papers on his wife while she lay dying of cancer. And people are worried about Hillary and Barack's electability!

Married With Children in the Minority

Mar 4, 2007
Fewer than a quarter of American households contain a married couple with children, down from half in 1960. While the numbers are lower across the board, the nuclear family appears to have become a luxury, with wealthier people far more likely to marry before having children.

Hell Hath No Fury Like an Italian Woman Scorned

Feb 2, 2007
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lost his job thanks to his support of the Iraq war and alleged abuses of power, but he had another headache altogether this week. In a letter that appeared on the front page of a major newspaper, Berlusconi's wife browbeat him for his public flirtations and demanded an apology -- which she got.

The Jungle Woman of Cambodia

Jan 20, 2007
A woman in Cambodia walked out of the jungle a week ago, making odd grunting noises and walking like a monkey. From a scar on her arm, one family has claimed her as its own, saying she ran away 19 years ago. But skeptics abound, and her inability to speak is no help in solving the mystery.

Critics Have No Love for Grandpa Cheney

Dec 7, 2006
Dick Cheney is going to have another grandchild soon, this time from his openly gay daughter Mary (at left above). While the vice president expressed his joy at the announcement, advocacy groups spanning the political spectrum took the opportunity to sound off, with social conservatives bemoaning the horror of a fatherless childhood and gay rights groups pointing to Grandpa's history of hypocrisy on the issue.