
Jimmy Carter: Guess Who I?m For

Apr 4, 2008
The former president and superdelegate wouldn't tell a Nigerian reporter which of the Democratic candidates he intends to support, but he offered a pretty good hint: "Don't forget that [Barack] Obama won in my state of Georgia. My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama. My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama."

Death by a Thousand Memos

Mar 25, 2008
With the next contest still weeks away, the Democratic candidates, their staffs and surrogates can hardly take a breath without a heated exchange between the campaigns in the form of an angry memo or conference call to the media. Bill Richardson's endorsement of Barack Obama has been but the latest opportunity for such organized squabbling.

Richardson Backs Obama

Mar 21, 2008
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who gave up his own run at the nomination in January, is endorsing Barack Obama. The nod from the country's only Latino governor comes at a point in the campaign when the Hispanic vote will be less of a factor. Updated.
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Ellen Rallies for Clinton

Feb 27, 2008
Barack Obama's campaign may count she-mogul Oprah Winfrey in its stable of celebrity boosters, but Hillary Clinton's got her own talk show powerhouse: Ellen DeGeneres, who made a live appearance during this recent rally to put Hillary on the spot with some tough questions, like what to do about the sparkly danger that glitter poses to Americans everywhere.

Bush I Backs McCain

Feb 19, 2008
John McCain's recent jockeying to make himself look like a direct heir to Ronald Reagan's Republican legacy was helped along Monday by George H.W. Bush's vote of confidence that McCain is indeed the right person to lead the nation as the next president.

Edwards Said to Be Leaning Toward Clinton

Feb 18, 2008
Barack Obama flew down to the home of John and Elizabeth Edwards on Sunday for a secret meeting that didn't stay secret for long. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton have courted their former rival's endorsement, but the Associated Press reports that Edwards is leaning toward Clinton, in part because "Obama has been less attentive."

Gore Isn’t Telling

Feb 7, 2008
Al Gore voted in Tennessee's primary, but he's not saying for whom. According to a spokeswoman, "As private citizens, neither of the Gores are releasing who they voted for." There's been much speculation over whether Bill Clinton's former vice president, in light of his known animus toward Hillary, would endorse a candidate, but we suspect that Gore enjoys life above the fray a bit too much to bother.

ScarJo 4 Obama!

Feb 5, 2008
Hey there, independent voters -- would a (prerecorded) phone call from sultry starlet Scarlett Johansson persuade you to head to the polls on Tuesday and cast a vote for her fave candidate, Barack Obama? Johansson certainly hopes so, so don't ignore those numbers you don't recognize on your caller ID -- it could be robo-ScarJo!

Clinton Cracks Wise About Coulter

Feb 5, 2008
It's endorsement mania in these final hours before Super Tuesday, and here's Hillary Clinton taking news of Ann Coulter's offhanded endorsement in stride, shooting a quick joke back at the "Inside Edition" reporter who apparently hoped to freak her out by cornering her with his Coulter question and his cameraman's assertive use of his zoom function.

MoveOn, L.A. Times Endorse Obama

Feb 2, 2008
Barack Obama had cause for celebration Friday. Though he still trails Hillary Clinton in most big states, he picked up two endorsements that will undoubtedly have an impact. MoveOn says it is already mobilizing its 3.2 million members -- more than half of whom live in super Tuesday states -- on behalf of Obama. The Los Angeles Times was flattering of Clinton, but, as the editorial board put it: "Clinton would be a valuable and competent executive, but Obama matches her in substance and adds something that the nation has been missing far too long -- a sense of aspiration."